Lighting and Effects

Chauvet DJ CH-31 Lightweight Portable Trussing with T-Bars
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The CH-31 is a lightweight portable trussing solution that provides mobile DJs an opportunity to raise their fixtures into the air. The CH-31 has a load capacity of 200 pounds and can be fully extended to a height of nine feet. Featuring a weight of just
Chauvet DJ Obey 70 DMX Controller for up to Twelve 32 Channel Fixtures
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Bigger shows call for more accessibility and ease of programming. The Obey 70 bridges the gap between smaller rack mount controllers and massive control desks. 14 faders and an assignable joystick allow for easy programming of up to twelve 32-channel fixt
Chauvet DJ Obey 10 DMX Controller for Eight 16 Channel Fixtures
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Obey 10 is a compact controller ready to handle all the complexities of today’s lighting fixtures. Capable of controlling up to 8, 16-channel fixtures, the Obey 10 can store 6 sets of chases containing up to 999 scenes each. Also offered is the ability to
Chauvet DJ WRC Wireless Trigger for Geyser P5/P7 and Hurricane Bubble Haze X2 Q6
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WRC wirelessly triggers atmospheric output in most CHAUVET DJ Geysers and Hurricane Bubble Haze X2 Q6 while also allowing users to easily view the machine heating status from two LED indicators.
Chauvet DJ Wash FX Hex RGBAW+UV Chase Effect Blinder or Wash Light
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Brilliance, brightness, and versatility are packed inside this powerhouse multi-purpose effect light that packs a punch with hex color (RGBAW+UV) LEDs. Wash FX Hex functions as a chase effect, blinder, or wash light. 6 chasing zones mean Wash FX Hex can b
Chauvet DJ Scorpion Dual Fat Beam Aerial Effect Laser
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Scorpion Dual provides you with dual FAT BEAM aerial effect laser, perfect for events with fog or haze. The unique dual mirror output makes a great centerpiece or side accent in pairs and includes 32 built-in patterns, including the popular “Laser Sky” ef
Chauvet DJ Intimidator Spot 360X 100w 100W LED Moving Head Spot
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100W LED Moving Head Spotlight Fixture with Dual Rotating 3- and 5-facet Prisms, Manual Zoom, Motorized Focus, Totem Mode, 8-slot Color Wheel, 7-slot Gobo Wheel, Automated/Sound-activated Programs, and RFC/RFC-XL Remote Compatibility.
Chauvet DJ Hurricane 1200 Powerful and Portable Fog Machine
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Hurricane 1200 is a powerful and portable fog machine that brings any light show to life with a thick fog output. The included timer remote controls the output of fog for precise performance. After an initial heat up period, the Hurricane 1200 is always r
Chauvet DJ Funfetti Shot Event Ready Confetti Launcher
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The Funfetti Shot is an event-ready confetti launcher and its easy, single person setup and operation make it perfect for concerts, parties or other special events. Just add confetti! No compressed air or CO2 required. The Funfetti Shot works with Funfett
Chauvet DJ Freedom Charge 8 Road Case that Charges Freedom Par Fixtures (old generation)
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Freedom Charge 8 is a compact road case that charges and safely transports Freedom Par fixtures. The case holds up to 8 Freedom Pars using rugged wheels and recessed handles, and its stackable case design allows faster load-in and load-out times. Freedom
Chauvet DJ COLORstrip Mini 19" Linear RGB LED Wash and Effect Fixture
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The COLORstrip Mini is a 19-inch long four-channel DMX-512 controlled LED linear wash light. Static colors and RGB color mixing can be done with or without a DMX controller. Blackout, static, dimmer and strobe are included.

Additional features include
Chauvet Bubble King B550: 3 Wands, Manual Bubble Button + Extremely High Output!
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The CHAUVET DJ Bubble King is the largest name in bubble effects, featuring 3 double wands, a manual bubble button, and extremely high output. When you need bubbles for a large area, or complete bubble coverage of an area, this is as good as it gets.
Chauvet DJ EZWedge Tri Battery Operated Tri Color LED (EZWEDGETRI) - Last One!
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EZwedge Tri is a battery-operated, tri-color LED wash light that fits perfectly inside TRUSST Goal Post and Arch Kit truss systems. The rechargeable, lithium battery lasts up to 20 hours from a single charge, and you can easily check the battery status wi
ADJ Eliminator Lighting Mini Par UV LED Blacklight Par
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Eliminator Lighting’s Mini Par UV LED is a great way to produce ultraviolet light for portable or permanent applications. Its miniature size and ease of use gives this fixture a lot of uses where larger LED Pars are too large.

This fixture offers t
ADJ Fog Fury 1000 II Higher Output 700W Compact Fog Machine (FOG121)
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The ADJ Fog Fury 1000 II is a 700W compact, higher output fog machine with new advances in technology. It has a special heating element design that uses an oil type transmission throughout the pipeline to prevent clogging. It is also equipped with a high
ADJ VF400 400W Mobile Fog Machine
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The ADJ VF400 is a very compact, 400W mobile Fog Machine that is great for mobile entertainers, and small nightclubs and bars that want to add atmosphere to their events, plus it allows people to see the beams from the lighting fixtures. The VF400 is equi
Chauvet DJ Hurricane 1600 High Output Fog Machine (H1600)
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The Hurricane 1600 is a compact, lightweight high output fog machine with DMX control that enhances any light show. Variable output control from DMX or the included timer remote allows for precise effect operation.The Hurricane 1600 features Always Ready
Chauvet DJ Obey 6 DMX Controller up to 6 Channels per Fixture
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Obey 6 is a universal, compact controller capable of controlling up to 6 channels per fixture. It allows you to control effects by simultaneously operating each fixture in different playback modes, with variable fade times. Increase flexibility with playb
Chauvet DJ SlimPAR 56 LED Wash Light - Black Housing (SLIMPAR56)
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SlimPAR 56 is an LED wash light in a sleek white or black housing. Powered by 108 red, green and blue LEDs, it blends into any décor with ease. Customize light shows in 3- or 7-channel DMX mode.


LED Par designed for any application in nee
ADJ LTS-2 12 ft Heavy Duty Black Tripod Stand
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This high quality, black aluminum tripod from ADJ offers easy set-up and portability for mounting your incredible ADJ lighting fixtures while on the road. Even the biggest and best shows still need to pay attention to the nuts and bolts. This sturdy, reli
ADJ H2O LED IR 10W LED Water Flow W/UC IR (H2O307)
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The ADJ H2O IR is a multi-colored simulated water flowing effect with a 12W LED source. The unit produces almost no heat, requires very little power (23.8W max) and can be used all night long. The LED is rated at 30,000 hours of use.The unit comes equippe
Eliminator Lighting Mini Par RGBW LED 12 x1 Watt LED (Mini Par RGBW LED) ADJ
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The LED Par fixture is one of the most versatile lights available for stage and entertainment lighting. Eliminator Lighting’s Mini Par RGBW LED is no exception. It’s miniature size and ease of use gives this fixture a lot of uses where larger LED Pars are
ProX Set of (4) Double Sided Conical Couplers with connectors and pins (XT-CP-PAC3 Pack)
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(Set of 4) 4 Double Ended Conical, 8 Connector Pins & 8 Safey Pins
Chauvet COLORstrip Pix ILS
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Create standout event visuals with COLORstrip PiX ILS. This strip light produces wash light and eye candy effects like you’ve never seen before thanks to its custom lenses. It has 40 tri-color LEDs (Red, Green, Blue).
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